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  • daisychaindesignsj

Butter Making - the Good Old Fashioned Way

Mellow and salty, these are the flavors of homemade butter.

Here is how:


Cream (preferably unpasteurized)

Note: Very fresh cream will not churn quickly. If it's very fresh, leave it out on the counter for several hours or even for the night before.

Salt of your preference

A jar, churn, or mixer.


Grab your churn or whatever you're going to use to whip your cream. You can shake it in a glass jar. Your Kitchen Aid mixer works, too. Personally, I love the nostalgia of an old-fashioned churn. My grandpa gave me this lovely vintage 2 quart-sized Dazey.

Pour in the cream:

Start mixing! If your cream is a bit older, you'll be done in 10 - 15 minutes. The fresher it is, the longer you get to work!

First, whipped cream:

Mmmm... no, don't eat it if you still want butter!

Churn it a while longer, and it will start to separate:

Almost there!

It's separated!

Now, drain off the buttermilk:

If you've left the cream out overnight, this buttermilk will sour quickly. I would only use it for baking. It makes amazing buttermilk pancakes.

You're left with bright yellow butter:

Rinse it well several times with cold water. Then ice-bath it for a bit to get it solid and easier for working.


Wash your hands well and drain the ice and water off the butter. Hold the butter under cold running water and squeeze it well to rinse the last of the buttermilk out. Washing out all the buttermilk will help your butter last longer.

Salt it to your liking and work it in:

Form the butter into a ball, or use molds. (Molds: Press the butter into silicone soap molds, or vintage butter molds. Refrigerate, then pop the butter out in a pretty shape.)

Here's your ball of butter, in all its golden glory!


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